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Not only famous in automotive industry, Japan is also known in food and agriculture industry. Agriculture in Japan is famous with good working system.
The Government of Japan implemented the four pillars of Japan's agricultural development; one of the pillars is Farm Size Expansion. This policy is intended to make the ownership of agricultural land increasing from four hectares to 15-20 hectares per farmer's family.
Japan's agricultural progress also can be seen with the development of urban agriculture systems. Even now urban agriculture in Japan is a mainstay for the supply of agricultural products that are fresh, healthy, and fast.
These are five reasons that make Japanese agriculture so advanced.
The Government of Japan implemented the four pillars of Japan's agricultural development; one of the pillars is Farm Size Expansion. This policy is intended to make the ownership of agricultural land increasing from four hectares to 15-20 hectares per farmer's family.
Japan's agricultural progress also can be seen with the development of urban agriculture systems. Even now urban agriculture in Japan is a mainstay for the supply of agricultural products that are fresh, healthy, and fast.
These are five reasons that make Japanese agriculture so advanced.
- High attention from government in agriculture
In Japan, agricultural properly get attention by the government. Japan's agricultural trade system has been set up in such a way, such as what are plants must be grown by farmers. What the kind of plant that must be grown is set in accordance with market demand. No farmers stubborn want to farm as they want.
- The prices of agricultural products are controlled
Not just a matter of what is planted; the government also intervened on the price of agricultural products. Most agricultural products purchased by the government so the government can control the price.
Even so, there are also private parties who buy agricultural products there. But the private sector is not going to buy agricultural produce under the government's price.
Even so, there are also private parties who buy agricultural products there. But the private sector is not going to buy agricultural produce under the government's price.
- A farmer have large agricultural land
In Japan, a farmer holds 7-10 hectares of rice fields. Every family, there is only one child who will inherit agricultural land. Children who really wanted to be farmers who will have to inherit agricultural land while the other children will receive another inheritance.
By having large farms, the farm setting will be easier to do. The use of machines in agriculture is also easier because of the extent of land.
By having large farms, the farm setting will be easier to do. The use of machines in agriculture is also easier because of the extent of land.
- Sophisticated agricultural technology
The strength of the automotive industry in Japan also has an impact on agriculture. Japanese agriculture has been using sophisticated technology. For planting, watering, until the harvest, Japanese farmers have been assisted by the machine. Japan has used six plow for plowing so in 1-2 hours the plowing have been completed.
- The farmers are working hard
Then eight hours of work typically can be fulfilled until 12.00 p.m. in the noon. After that they did not go home directly. If they will overwork, then after 12:00 p.m., they break for two hours and then continued with overworking until 05:00 p.m.
That's five reasons that make Japanese agriculture advanced. In addition to the five. Of course, there are many things that affect the advancing of agriculture in Japan.
Source: https://m.brilio.net/news/ini-5-hal-yang-membuat-pertanian-di-jepang-begitu-maju-151001q.html

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