Image source: www.diyindoorgrow.com |
How to develop tissue culture is quite complicated. You have to do all the processing in a sterile so that what is done successfully. If you want to use tissue culture methods for growing, the way is to isolate parts of a plant such as blastema, cells, tissues, or organs of plants.
You take part are grown under aseptic conditions. Thus, expected later part of your insulation will multiply and regenerate into a whole plant.
Tissue culture is a technique that is based on the theory of cell that is found by Schwann and Schleiden in 1883. Schwann and Schleiden say that the cell has cell totipotent properties. What was the nature of the cell totipotent?
Totipotent cell is the nature of every living plant cells that carry genetic information and a complete physiological device to be able to grow and develop into a whole plant. However, the nature of it should qualify. Condition is the appropriate environmental conditions.
Tissue culture methods are now widely applied to cultivate type of plant. This method was chosen because it has several benefits. The benefits of tissue culture, among others, preserve the properties of the parent plant, produce plants that are the same as the parent, can produce new plants that much in a relatively shorter, can produce plants that are resistant to the virus, and do tissue culture that does not depend on the season.
In addition, tissue culture also has its benefits as a way to conserve germplasm. And the last is that it can be used to create new varieties through genetic engineering.
The following are the advantages and disadvantages of tissue culture methods.
Excess tissue culture:
There are several advantages you get if you use tissue culture methods.
• You do not have to wait for the season to obtain seedlings.
• You can get the seeds in large quantities in a relatively short time.
• Seed produced will have uniform properties.
• Seedlings will be resistant to the disease.
• Costs required for the distribution of seeds is relatively cheaper.
• seeding process will be free from pests, diseases, and other environmental factors.
• You can obtain the plant properties as desired.
Weaknesses tissue culture:
In addition there is an excess, of course there is also a shortage of this tissue culture methods.
• Costs required to perform tissue culture method is quite high.
• Only trained persons who can perform and execute tissue culture methods.
• Seeds should be given acclimatization process firs because they are used in damp conditions and aseptically.
Source: http://www.pertanianku.com/inilah-metode-terbaru-perbanyak-tanaman/

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